In this vibrant picture book, Milo only wants to play with his toy robot, RO-BO, until his mother makes him go out and play with other kids. Together the new friends go on a grand adventure thanks to RO-BO, but it is the power of their energetic play that ensures they get home safely.

Ins and Outs

Illustrated By: Salini Perera

This playful picture book, consisting of only the words in and out, starts with simple examples, such as a cat moving from inside to outside, and moves on to more creative interpretations, including a child's bare hand on a winter day ("out") being enveloped in their caregiver's mitt ("in”).

Kenzie's Little Tree

Illustrated By: Emilie Leduc

In this contemplative picture book, Kenzie's mom doesn't always feel well, but Kenzie learns that she is strong—just like the little tree they plant in their yard—and that together, they can get through the hard times.

No Huddles for Heloise

Illustrated By: Udayana Lugo

In this humorous picture book, Heloise the penguin doesn't like huddling with her friends (it gives her the collywobbles), so she sets off to find others like her but discovers there's no place like home—especially when your friends support you.

Ce que Samuel sait

Illustrated By: Elena Comte

Samuel et son grand-père se rendent au parc par une journée de printemps. Papichou laisse Samuel décider ce qu’il veut porter, dans quelle direction aller et enfin, quelles fleurs rapporter à Mamichou.

I Love Myself

Illustrated By: Julia Vasileva

In this picture book, a child who is learning about self-love meets different challenges—like learning to ride a bike and being afraid of the dark—with the help of a cuddly creature representing their inner self.

Lucky Me

Bruno's friend Sanjay has his own room and a pet iguana. Bruno's brother, Mateo, who is visually impaired, has a dog named Rocco who helps him get around, and Mateo is a fantastic storyteller. Bruno doesn't have a pet, and he has to share his room, but he still feels like the luckiest of all to have such a great brother and amazing friend.

Il était une fois un oiseau

Illustrated By: Nathalie Dion
Translated by: Rachel Martinez

Dans cet album sans texte, un oiseau sort après l’hiver et découvre que le monde est devenu silencieux. Il s’installe dans un arbre tout près d’un immeuble d’habitation et les résidents trouvent de l’espoir en observant sa résilience et les cycles de la nature par leurs fenêtres.

Once, a Bird

Illustrated By: Nathalie Dion

In this wordless picture book, a bird emerges after winter to find the world has gone quiet. As she settles on a tree outside an apartment building, its residents notice her through their windows and find hope in her resilience and the continued rhythms of nature.