Maya Inside

  • Illustrated By: Brady Sato
  • Pages:32
  • Publisher:Orca Book Publishers
  • Themes:Shy kid, shyness, social anxiety, introvert, teasing
  • Available:09/16/2025
  • Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient:M

Maya went into her box when a classmate teased her, and again when another hurt her feelings.

Now she’s there most of the time. It’s safe and quiet and best of all it can be anything she wants it to be. She brings it on bike rides and to school, and while kids used to notice it, now they barely see her at all. But Maya can't help but wonder if there might be something she's missing. Yes, it's noisy and scary out there, but it's also exciting and fun. Finally, Maya bravely decides to step out into the sunshine and find her place in the world—outside her box.