A Short History of British Columbia

This book explains BC’s early economic, territory and political developments and includes the struggle over borders, railways, tariffs, and schools. It goes on with the boom that preceded the First World War, the depression that followed, and such issues as scandals, prohibition, women’s suffrage, and the rise to power of the Social Credit.

Ce que Samuel sait

Illustrated By: Elena Comte

Samuel et son grand-père se rendent au parc par une journée de printemps. Papichou laisse Samuel décider ce qu’il veut porter, dans quelle direction aller et enfin, quelles fleurs rapporter à Mamichou.

Cheat Code

In this high-interest accessible novel for teen readers, high school senior Max gets blackmailed into corporate sabotage by the superintelligent AI he uses to cheat on an essay.

Finding Harmony

In this middle-grade novel, Harmony moves back home with her mom after being in a foster home, but her mom hasn't dealt with her addiction issues and Harmony feels like she's the only one keeping her and her mom together.

Ghost Queen

In this high-interest accessible novel for teen readers, teen vlogger Malika and her boyfriend risk spending the night in a haunted fort in the hopes of meeting the famous ghost of a cursed Indian princess.

Great Apes

This nonfiction book introduces middle grade readers to great apes, including chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos. Featuring photos throughout, it explores great ape habitats, biology, threats to survival and how conservationists, scientists and young people are working to protect them.

Just Kickin' It

In this high-interest accessible novel for teen readers, sixteen-year-old Jesse wonders how far he’ll go for a cool new pair of sneakers when an older teen entices him into petty theft.

Nevin Knows

Illustrated By: Elena Comte

In this sweet picture book, Nevin and Grandpa Frank are going to the park on a spring day, and Grandpa lets Nevin lead the way, from choosing what shoes to wear and which direction to walk in to deciding where to play and, finally, which flowers to bring home for Nana.

Octopus Ocean

Part of the nonfiction Orca Wild series for middle-grade readers and illustrated with color photographs throughout, this book introduces kids to octopuses all over the world. It discusses octopus habitat, biology and threats to survival, and how scientists, conservationists and young people are working to protect octopuses everywhere.

Our Plastic Problem

Part of the nonfiction Orca Footprints series for middle-grade readers and illustrated with color photographs throughout, this book explores the history and uses of plastic and the resulting environmental problems.

Runaway Blanket

Illustrated By: Mike Deas

In this adorable board book, a toddler is told it's time for bed, but he's not ready yet—because he saw his blanket packing up a bag…and climbing over the garden gate…and running down the road! Luckily, the child catches his blankie just in time for a cozy goodnight snuggle.

Literacy Instruction Matters

Many teachers feel ill-prepared to teach their students to read and write. This book empowers teachers with its overall approach and countless specific strategies, all grounded in research and strong pedagogy.


Part of the nonfiction Orca Origins series for middle readers. Illustrated with color photographs, this book examines the origins and traditions of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Bridging the Reading Gap

A comprehensive series of lessons that address phonics, morphology, and vocabulary for teachers working with students in grades 4–8. With a wide range of learners in every classroom, engaging activities and carefully curated lists scaffold instruction for emergent to competent readers.

Forte comme Naïla

Naïla, une fille active qui s’alimente bien, va à l’encontre des préjugés sur les personnes de taille forte et nous fait vivre de l’intérieur ce que c’est que d’être victime de grossophobie.

Villes et villages

Ce livre, parsemé de photos, d'illustrations ludiques ou hyperréalistes ainsi que d'anecdotes captivantes, permettra aux enfants du primaire d'ouvrir leurs horizons et d'en apprendre davantage sur ces fascinants villes et villages provenant des quatre coins de la planète.