Sophie Shares the Stars

Illustrated By: Catherine Petit

In this touching picture book, Sophie's adoptive father, whom she calls "My Michael," develops a chronic, invisible illness. But even though Michael can't always do the things he used to, he's still Sophie's universe—and she is his.

Bird Brothers, A Delhi Story

Illustrated By: Barkha Lohia

A touching picture book based on the real-life efforts of two brothers who have devoted their lives to rescuing and rehabilitating black kite raptors that have been injured by glass-coated kite strings and the dense air pollution in Delhi.

Puppy School Pandemonium

Illustrated By: Izzy Bean

This heartwarming and humorous story with vivid, action-packed illustrations follows Easton on a new adventure to puppy school! What will he learn there, and how will he keep his behavior on track to graduate?

Go, Sloth, Go!

In this cute rhyming picture book told in few words, a sloth tumbles from a tree onto a road and hurts its toe. A helpful truck driver brings the sloth to a wildlife vet, and soon enough the sloth is returning to its wilderness home.

A Hug on the Wind

Illustrated By: Kristina Jones

In this illustrated picture book, Sam’s grandmother is going away for the winter, and he worries about how they’ll keep in touch. She tells him that she can send a hug on the wind, kisses in the rain and fireflies to say good night—and Sam realizes his grandma will always be there for him no matter the distance.

Dreaming Alongside

Dragonfly invites the reader to journey with her to visit the places in our lives that give rise to brilliant dreams for the future, from our bookshelf, where we picture the stories we will tell, to the blanket of moss, where we feel nurtured and peaceful.

A Hummingbird on My Balcony

This nonfiction picture book tells the true story of an Anna's hummingbird that built a nest and raised its babies on a family's balcony in the city. Illustrated with photographs throughout.

Lark Wraps It Up

Illustrated By: Marcus Cutler

In this early chapter book, Lark and Connor help their halmoni's friend Miss June try to find out who stole her quilt and get it back in time to display it at the local quilt show.