One Earth

This nonfiction book for teens profiles 20 environmental defenders of color from around the world. Their individual stories show that the intersection of environment and ethnicity is an asset to protecting our planet. Illustrated with photos of each of the people profiled.

The Train

Illustrated By: Georgia Lesley

Ashley meets her great-uncle by the old train tracks near their community in Nova Scotia. When she sees his sadness, he tells her of the day when he and the other children were taken to residential school, their lives changed forever. Uncle also explains how Ashley gives him hope. She promises to wait with him in remembrance of what was lost.

Gaawin Gindaaswin Ndaawsii / I Am Not a Number

The dual language edition, in Nishnaabemwin (Ojibwe) Nbisiing dialect and English, of the award-winning book I Am Not a Number. When eight-year-old Irene is removed from her First Nations family to live in a residential school she is confused, frightened, and homesick. She tries to remember who she is and where she came from.

Standing Strong

When a suicidal Native American teen leaves her reservation to join a large-scale oil-pipeline protest, she gets caught up in a dangerous situation and goes through a life-changing transformation that sets her on a new path to become a Water Protector.


Illustrated By: Yayo

An Inuit child draws colorful creatures in the white landscape.