What Happened this Summer
This collection of interconnected short stories follows the lives of Chinese-Canadian teenagers—some locally born, some from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China—over one Toronto summer, giving a rare glimpse into the conflicted world of Chinese youth.
Hana's Suitcase on Stage
Combines the story and images of the original book with the complete script.
Extraordinary Women Explorers
Journey through time and place with 12 extraordinary women explorers.
Basic Call to Consciousness
Contains a philosophy embodied by Indigenous nations going back thousands of years that sustains natural world spiritual traditions.
My Life in a Kwagu'l Big House
In the 1960s, Western culture captured the fancy of Honey's community and family, and its spell inevitably changed a Kwagu'l family. This is Honey's story.
How Can One Sell the Air?
This book traces the history of the three most famous versions of Chief Seattle’s speech.
Where's Mom's Hair?
If I Had a Million Onions
Putting On a Show
Complete text and stage direction for four award-winning plays for kids.
The Underground Reporters
In a quiet village in Czechoslovakia, laws restricted the freedom of Jewish people during WWII. A small plot of land by the river was allocated to the village’s Jewish youth, and it was here that some brave young people decided to create a newspaper.
Mom and Mum are Getting Married!
A joyous celebration of love.
The Write Genre
Classroom activities and mini-lessons that promote writing with clarity, style, and flashes of brilliance.
Keeping Heart on Pine Ridge
In this bold anthology of real-life stories, Vic Glover lays bare the challenges, history, bonds and rich traditions that infuse the stark reality of life on the “rez.”
Bobbie Rosenfeld
A star before she even went on to be one of the first women to compete in the 1928 Olympics, Bobbie Rosenfeld may be Canada’s greatest female athlete of the twentieth century. But her popularity was due to more than athletic brilliance; she was admired for her honesty and sense of fair play.
Great Women Leaders
Self-made women of distinction take their place on the world stage.