Jane is the quiet, fearful one in a family of extroverts—at least until the Spirit Man in her grandmother's bathroom starts messing with her family.
Jane is the quiet, fearful one in a family of extroverts—at least until the Spirit Man in her grandmother's bathroom starts messing with her family.
When city-boy Evan realizes that a loon is about to die in the middle of a fast-freezing lake near his aunt's cottage, he decides to rescue it, risking his own life in the process.
Richard's nose-picking leads to trouble when he gets sucked up inside his own nose and can't get out.
After Kevin's mother abandons him, he takes refuge in his fantasy of becoming a cowboy, but his reality is a foster home and grandparents he doesn't know.
Against all odds, Nick and Kia set out to pursuade the Toronto Raptors' community relations department to send players to visit their school.
In this sequel to Murphy and Mousetrap, Murphy and his three friends are nervous about trying out for the soccer team at their new school, but a diagnosis of leukemia proves more challenging than anything they encounter on the field.
Elliot Moose and his friends all want to be firefighters so they can ride on the fire truck. When the truck gets going too fast, it's Elliot's two smallest friends who save the day.
Elliot Moose and his friends all want to be firefighters so they can ride on the fire truck. When the truck gets going too fast, it's Elliot's two smallest friends who save the day.
Shelley feels left out when she visits her cousin Kyle at his lakeside cottage and learns his friend Marcus is staying there too.
Rosario and her parents come to Canada as political refugees from Mexico. Rosario hates her heavily-accented English, but she breaks the language barrier to save a migrant farm worker's life.
Jake dreams of being a superhero, but he's not exactly brave, especially when it comes to the wolves on the island where he and his family are staying.
Addison's mother wants to move, so Addison uses optical illusions and his own overheated imagination to convince her to stay in their old house.
Pierre, a pampered poodle, is torn between his love for his owner and his dream of running wild in the park.
Junior Canadian Ranger Tommy Toner has a secret, and his guilt is eating away at him and putting his friends in danger.
Yummy, yucky, messy and hot rhyming stories and fascinating facts about food.
A boy's love of pirate treasure leads to unexpected events with Captain Kidd.
Girls' hockey has finally come to Fort Desperation, Northwest Territories, along with vandalism, a mystery and the possibility of a road trip.
In this sequel to Racing for Diamonds, Colly and Jaz travel to Tuktoyaktuk and come face-to-face with a poaching operation involving protected birds.
Lucas gets more than he bargained for when he orders a dinosaur-making kit off the Internet.
When Jake starts spending time with his cousin, Kate feels hurt and seeks new friends to play with.
Johnny wants to find out what's inside grandpa's old bottle.
This mixture of long poems, short poems, interviews and collections of facts is funny, engaging and informative: something for everyone.
Sam is way too clumsy to perform in his family's circus acts, but he discovers that he has other important talents.