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A Tattle-tell Tale

Illustrated By: Qin Leng

Joseph doesn’t want to tattle, but a lunchroom bully won’t leave him alone. With the help of his principal, he learns the difference between tattling and telling.

The Orphan Rescue

Miriam’s courage saves her little brother from an unscrupulous orphanage in pre-war Poland in this historic children’s story that resonates with the problem of child labor today.

Sign Up Here

Illustrated By: Qin Leng

It seems like every kid in Dee-Dee’s class has joined a club but her. Dee-Dee knows that good friends shouldn’t leave each other out, so she comes up with a plan to start a club that everyone can join.

Play with Jay!

This interactive picture book features illustrations and prompts to inspire curiosity, imagination and play with early learning concepts, including letters, numbers, shapes, comparisons and feelings.