Larry Loves Vancouver

Just like the locals and visitors, Larry the pup loves the Gastown Steam Clock, Science World, Granville Island and many of the other sites and sounds of Vancouver. As he explores the city with his owner Pete, Larry rides a seabus, crosses the Capilano Suspension Bridge and visits the totem poles of Stanley Park.

Quiet, Please!

In this delightful picture book, a young giraffe is desperate to find a quiet place to read where his noisy brothers and sisters won’t find him.

Who's Looking?

Illustrated By: Cornelia Li

In this gorgeously illustrated nonfiction picture book, a young girl and her baby sister explore the land around them while various animals and insects look on. The art reflects the world as viewed by the animals, along with the text explaining some science behind each animal's unique type of vision.


A quiet board book full of soothing messages to encourage adult readers to stay calm and co-regulate with the babies and toddlers in their lives.

Les chasseurs d'arcs-en-ciel

Illustrated By: Martina Tonello

Quatre enfants partent dans une aventure ludique à la chasse à l’arc-en-ciel pour trouver son trésor caché. S’ils ne découvrent pas d’or, ils réalisent que le vrai trésor réside dans l’amitié, l’imagination et les souvenirs partagés.