Pascal Milelli
Pascal Milelli graduated from the Alberta College of Art and Design. His first picturebook was the award-winning Rainbow Bay (Raincoast), followed by The Art Room (Groundwood), which was awarded the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Award for Illustration. Pascal lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Books by Pascal Milelli
Finn's friend Sheila, a magical selkie and shape changer, dives into the sea to rescue him from a storm, but in doing so, she gives up her life as a girl and returns to being a seal.
Finn's friend Sheila, a magical selkie and shape changer, dives into the sea to rescue him from a storm, but in doing so, she gives up her life as a girl and returns to being a seal.
Finn's friend Sheila, a magical selkie and shape changer, dives into the sea to rescue him from a storm, but in doing so, she gives up her life as a girl and returns to being a seal.