Mélie quelque part au milieu

Comment apprivoise-t-on un pe`re dont on ignorait l’existence, qui de´barque un beau jour d’un pays lointain et qui ne parle pas un mot de sa propre langue ? Mélie quelque part au milieu offre une lecture lumineuse traverse´e de zones grises, ou` on apprend que les choses qui en valent la peine ne sont pas toujours faciles.


In this story of a son, his mother, and her Alzheimer’s disease, a small Maritime town transforms into the loom on which the shared and contested memories of three generations are woven, unraveled, and rewoven.

The Dog in the Deli

Illustrated By: Izzy Bean

This heartwarming and humorous story with vivid, action-packed illustrations introduces us to Easton on the first of his many adventures with his owner Elizabeth Retter and the rest of her family.

SOS Agua

By: Yayo

¿Se puede encontrar un hogar para Rosa, el pez dorado, en algún lugar del mundo asfixiado por la contaminación plástica?


By: Yayo

Peut-on trouver un foyer pour Rosa le poisson rouge n'importe où dans un monde étouffé par la pollution plastique ?

SOS Water

By: Yayo

Can a home for Rosa the Goldfish be found anywhere in a world smothered by plastic pollution?

The Freezies

The Freezies, three eleven-year-olds conceive a risky scheme to bring the plight of their asylum-seeking traveller friend to the attention of the national media.

Powerful Thinking

Ready-to-use thinking strategies that helps student connect, question, visualize, inform, and transform their learning across the curriculum. Explicit, targeted lessons to foster literacy development and nudge student learning as students construct meaning, build knowledge, and think more deeply about content-area learning.

Plague Thieves

The dying wish of Rose’s father is that she and her brother survive the plague rampaging through London in 1665. Armed with the last creation their father made in his apothecary, Rose and Lem hope to protect themselves against the sickness, but as word about the special oil blend spreads, they must also protect themselves against thieves.

Channel Surfing in the Sea of Happiness

Channel Surfing in the Sea of Happiness is an iconoclastic romp through the end of the twentieth century. The misfit characters in this funny, poignant collection of stories find themselves adrift in an increasingly absurdist world, a world they must reinvent for themselves in order to find hope.