La ciencia de los bebés

Illustrated By: Frank Cable

This revolutionary, beautiful and fun picture book is a perfect way to start talking to kids early about reproduction, bodies, birth and families. It will allow parents to establish that this topic, like all others, is safe and healthy to ask and talk about.

The Science of Babies

Illustrated By: Frank Cable

This revolutionary, beautiful and fun picture book is a perfect way to start talking to kids early about reproduction, bodies, birth and families. It will allow parents to establish that this topic, like all others, is safe and healthy to ask and talk about.

Between the Lines

Margit Kassai writes a diary detailing to her husband her year living in Budapest, Hungary, in 1944, through the Nazi invasion of Hungary, the rise of the Arrow Cross and the siege of the city by the Soviet army. Margit survives working in children’s homes, scrounging for food and narrowly avoiding death and deportation of Jews.

Elvis, Me, and the Postcard Winter

Winter 1979. Twelve-year-old Truly has settled in with Andy El at Eagle Shores Trailer Park, but the peace of her new life is shattered when her mother unexpectedly returns after abandoning Truly the previous summer, asking for a second chance. Has her mother really changed? Can Truly ever forgive her?

Bridging the Reading Gap

A comprehensive series of lessons that address phonics, morphology, and vocabulary for teachers working with students in grades 4–8. With a wide range of learners in every classroom, engaging activities and carefully curated lists scaffold instruction for emergent to competent readers.

Forte comme Naïla

Naïla, une fille active qui s’alimente bien, va à l’encontre des préjugés sur les personnes de taille forte et nous fait vivre de l’intérieur ce que c’est que d’être victime de grossophobie.

Villes et villages

Ce livre, parsemé de photos, d'illustrations ludiques ou hyperréalistes ainsi que d'anecdotes captivantes, permettra aux enfants du primaire d'ouvrir leurs horizons et d'en apprendre davantage sur ces fascinants villes et villages provenant des quatre coins de la planète.

Assessment in Action

This book provides an active and engaging approach to student-centred teaching and learning. Instruction and assessment are woven together seamlessly to inform planning and motivate learning.

As We Forgive Others

A woman vanishes from a café in a northern town and all the witnesses have different accounts. Local police officer Alice Morrow and former New York homicide detective Hugh Mercer, troubled by their own need for forgiveness and justice, uncover a bizarre crime.

An Unbalanced Force

Ethan’s father has been lying about taking “business trips,” using them as cover for a clandestine — and potentially illegal — operation. To catch a liar, Ethan must become a liar, but what if the truth can throw his whole life off balance?

Good Boy Timmy

Illustrated By: Eugenie Fernandes

Brought to life through Eugenie Fernandes’ playful illustrations and Eric Walters’ rhythmic storytelling, Timmy is a good dog who dreams about acting out and making a mess. But at the end of the day, his love for his family helps him realize that it’s good to be good.

How People See

Canada in the 1990s. The approaching referendum on Quebec sovereignty is threatening to cleave the country in two, while a family struggles with the aftermath of a tragedy that changes their lives forever.


In Zalmon, every Life Event is pre-determined: where you’ll work, who you’ll marry, and when you’ll die. When his beloved little sister is assigned an imminent Death Date, seventeen-year-old Darius will stop at nothing to save her.

The Time Keeper

In 1902 Edinburgh, a clockmaker is found dead inside a locked clocktower. When the clockmaker’s apprentice finds clues inside a seemingly unfixable watch, he races against time to discover the truth of his mentor’s death and a map to a miracle cure that can save a dying friend.

Le cœur

Parsemé d’anecdotes et d’illustrations ludiques, ce livre répond aux questions des enfants sur le cœur.

L’ouragan et moi

Philémon, à 10 ans, est l’homme de la maison, et il est heureux avec les deux femmes de sa vie ; Lana, sa maman, et Ingrid, son papa, devenu une femme. Mais il est parfois victime des moqueries d’un garçon de sa classe qui ne voit pas la beauté et l’authenticité d’Ingrid.