Elder George Paul

Elder George Paul, or Spirit name “Sky Blue Eagle”, was born on Metepenagiag First Nation, which runs along the Miramichi River in New Brunswick. For over four decades, George Paul has been involved with the Indigenous Traditional Movement to support the revival of Mi’kmaq songs, chants and ceremonies. Well-respected across Mi’kma’ki Elder Paul is recognized for being a leader in the field of Indigenous Studies, and is also well known for his public speaking abilities.

A voice for his people, Elder Paul also collaborates with schools, universities, and government agencies to support the development of Indigenous music, language, art and dance in school curriculum. Elder Paul is the author of two books, The Honour Song (Bouton d’or Acadie) and My Journey to The Honour Song. He has also been involved in the production of several documentaries with the University of New Brunswick, Aboriginal People Television Network (APTN) and the CBC.

Books by Elder George Paul

Mi’kmaq Elder George Paul takes the reader on a quest for deeper understanding. Guided by creation stories, the Medicine Wheel and M’ikmaq legends, George goes to the heart of traditional knowledge. Sacred Thought: Mi’kmaq Meditations for our Times offers balance and peace of mind amid the chaos governing the world today.
