The Dog in the Deli

  • Illustrated By: Izzy Bean
  • Pages:32
  • Publisher:Pownal Street Press
  • Series: The Adventures of Easton the Resuce Pet
  • Themes:Children's Books on Dogs, Animal & Pet Care, Children's Books on Growing Up & the Facts of Life, Humour for Children, Dog Care
  • Available:08/02/2024

This heartwarming story introduces us to Easton on the first of his many adventures with his owner Elizabeth Retter and her family.

One morning, Easton wakes up to some terrible news: due to the pandemic, there is a meat shortage! In a panic, Easton takes matters into his own paws and escapes across a busy city street to the neighborhood deli. Easton's family, the deli, and its customers have no idea what they are in for—then again, neither does Easton! This is the true story of a rescue dog who loves a good adventure.

"Besides being an interesting children’s story, this book — and the Easton series in general — emphasizes the importance of providing rescue animals with their forever homes (“Don’t buy new, Rescue!”)"

– Gleannan Perrett