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Molly's Promise

When Molly breaks a long-held promise to herself, she finds her singing voice and reconnects with her mother, who left Molly when she was a baby.

Meeting Miss 405

Tansy's mother is at a clinic being treated for depression, her father is busy at work and her new babysitter is old, wrinkly and meditates while she does calligraphy.

Under a Living Sky

At the height of the Depression, Mary is unlikely to receive new shoes for Christmas but is deeply disappointed to receive a doll crudely sewn from a horse's nosebag instead.

Fish Out of Water

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, a twelve-year-old boy is frustrated that he’s not able to do the things he loves because they’re too “girly.”

Tick Tock Terror

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, Conor gets in over his head when he agrees to hide a mysterious package at the top of an amusement park ride.

A Different Game

In this sequel to Murphy and Mousetrap, Murphy and his three friends are nervous about trying out for the soccer team at their new school, but a diagnosis of leukemia proves more challenging than anything they encounter on the field.