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Literacy Leadership Matters

The literacy fundamentals school leaders need to understand and support teachers and students. This book empowers principals to inspire and lead schools where reading, writing, and literacy flourish.

Messing Around with Math

Provides a wide range of ready-to-use problems around key concepts in math: numeracy, mental math, fractions, addition/subtraction/multiplication/division, measurement, spatial sense, financial literacy, equations, and graphing.

Powerful Thinking

Ready-to-use thinking strategies that helps student connect, question, visualize, inform, and transform their learning across the curriculum. Explicit, targeted lessons to foster literacy development and nudge student learning as students construct meaning, build knowledge, and think more deeply about content-area learning.

Bridging the Reading Gap

A comprehensive series of lessons that address phonics, morphology, and vocabulary for teachers working with students in grades 4–8. With a wide range of learners in every classroom, engaging activities and carefully curated lists scaffold instruction for emergent to competent readers.