This book is about the special relationship between a boy and his dog. Though the boy and his dog are growing older, they can always count on each other as special friends.
"A touching, understated story in which a boy looks back at growing up with his faithful dog, Bud...Soft-focus, impressionistic illustration ...create a dreamlike world with a misty quality suggestive of hazy memories. A bittersweet exploration of the enduring bond between a growing boy and his aging companion."
– Kirkus Review
"Masterful illustrations map out the emotional content of every nuance of interaction, evoking warmth, sensitivity, and all the feelings of joy and sadness a heart's love can feel."
– The Midwest Book Review
"A charming story about friendship enduring even when one member becomes old. True friendship lasts forever. Colorful illustrations complement the storyline, depicting the experiences of the boy and dog. Teachers can use the book to supplement units on dogs, friendship, or aging. The author and illustrator do a good job of portraying the theme in a manner that will appeal to all readers."
– Children's Literature
CCBC Best Books for Kids & Teens | 2015 | Commended