Dogs understand humans better than any other animal does, even chimpanzees, our closest relatives.
Dogs are experts in human body language and expressions, and over time the muscles around their eyes have even adapted so they can communicate more easily with humans. And why do you get that warm feeling when you gaze into your dog’s eyes? It's because of increased levels of oxytocin, the “love” hormone. It creates feelings of affection, trust and social bonding.
None of this is a coincidence. The bond humans have with dogs is the result of tens of thousands of years of co-evolution and a unique cross-species friendship that has changed the course of life on this planet. The proof of this long-lasting connection is everywhere. Dog bones were discovered at ancient human burial sites and prehistoric paw prints were found beside a child's footprints deep inside a cave in the French Alps. In Canine Connection, readers will travel around the globe and through time to put their finger (or paw) on the story behind history’s true BFFs.