Beatrice More and the Perfect Party

  • Illustrated By: Helen Flook
  • Pages:104
  • Publisher:Orca Book Publishers
  • Series: Orca Echoes
  • Themes:birthdays, siblings, perfectionism, list making, family
  • Available:03/19/2019
  • Age Groups:Fiction Ages 6-8
  • Lexile:510L
  • Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient:N
9781459817111 LICENSE OPTIONS

Hyperorganized perfectionist Beatrice More is determined to plan a spectacularly professional birthday party for her little sister, Sophie.

But she is foiled at every turn: her mother insists on making a homemade cake (disaster!), her father offers up discount mismatched decorations (debacle!), guests are hard to find in their new neighborhood (dire!), and no gift seems remotely special enough (defeated!). Will Beatrice's organizational skills be enough to turn this party around, or will she need a little help from her friends and maybe even from Sophie herself?

The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.

"Beatrice is quirky and familiar, with well-meaning parents…An appealing family story with a sincere and goodhearted protagonist."
– Kirkus Reviews
"Good lessons for kids who struggle with anxiety, perfectionism, or the ability to adapt to changing circumstances…Would serve as a good bridge from picture books to longer narratives for children learning to read independently…A great addition to any school library or personal collection. Highly Recommended."
– CM: Canadian Review of Materials

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