The Brave Princess and Me

  • Illustrated By: Juliana Kolesova
  • Pages:32
  • Publisher:Second Story Press
  • Themes:Jewish children Holocaust, Princess Alice, Greece, Jewish resistance, deaf
  • Available:09/10/2019
  • Age Groups:Fiction Picture Book
  • Lexile:720L
  • Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient:T
In 1943, the Second World War is raging, and the Nazis have taken control of most of Europe - including Athens, where Princess Alice of Greece lives. Princess Alice is kind and accepting of different types of people. Something the Nazis are not. Born deaf, she knows what it is like to be discriminated against. With the arrival of the Nazis, all the Jews living in Greece are in danger, including young Tilde Cohen and her mother. On the run, they must find a safe place to hide. When they arrive, unannounced, on Princess Alice's doorstep and beg her to hide them, the princess's kindness is put to the test. Will she risk her own life to save theirs? Based on a true story, the book includes a special section, with photographs, about Princess Alice. A real-life hero, Alice was the mother of the United Kingdom's Prince Philip, the grandmother of Prince Charles, and the great-grandmother of Princes William and Harry.

"Kathy Kacer has created another brilliant historical picture book based on a true story from World War II.... The Brave Princess and Me deserves a place in every public and school library...Highly Recommended."

– CM: Canadian Review of Materials

"Kacer’s words and Kolesova’s pic­tures are cer­tain­ly well-paired, offer­ing a clear set­ting and acces­si­ble nar­ra­tive about a princess who uses her pow­er, and her osten­si­ble weak­ness, to pro­tect the most vul­ner­a­ble sub­jects in her kingdom."

– Jewish Book Council
"The color illustrations, photorealistic in style, clearly show the shock and fear on the faces of the protagonists, adding additional resonance to the moving story. The language is clear and simple, making this a good introduction to the time period and making the story, although suspenseful, appropriate for younger children who are not yet ready to read about some of the more graphic horrors of the Holocaust."
– AJL News and Reviews

"Kacer was able to simplify this incident based on a true event in such a way that children will understand the urgency and fear without going into a lot of the Holocaust's horrors. Tilde and Princess Alice’s story shared here gives an uplifting message and encourages readers to help others."

– Kiss the Book Jr.

"Kacer leaves readers with valuable takeaways. 'The important message for kids is to stand up for their friends – in their community, in school and in their neighbourhood. To be a good citizen, demonstrate moral courage and stand apart from the crowd,' explained Kacer."

– Canadian Jewish News

"...the story itself is fascinating; the dark, formal, oil-painting-esque art is appropriately serious."

– Tablet Magazine