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Candle Point

Illustrated By: Mike Deas

In this graphic novel for early middle readers, a young girl sets off a dangerous chain of events when she disturbs mysterious crystals in an effort to help an abandoned Moon Creature.

Good Food, Bad Waste

Illustrated By: Suharu Ogawa

Part of the nonfiction Orca Think series for middle-grade readers, this illustrated book examines the problem of food waste around the world, its consequences for the environment and practical things young readers can do to curb food waste.

Radio Jet Lag

Stephen Millburn is barely holding it together. Balancing his parenting duties with a new job as an early-morning radio host is much harder than he anticipated. He needs his job to support his growing family and pay down his crippling mortgage, but if he doesn’t find a way to cope soon, he’ll lose it all.

Boldly Go

In this novel for middle readers, fourteen-year-old Houston is on his way to the International Space Station as part of a NASA study.

Star Eaters

In this high-interest accessible novel for teen readers, a teen discovers a stowaway on his spaceship designed to seek out new energy sources.


Illustrated By: Jérôme Peyrat

In this contemplative illustrated picture book, a gull travels with the captain of a container ship as he crosses the sea to deliver his cargo before returning home to his child.

She's a Mensch!

From the poorest neighborhoods in Kenya to the halls of the Canadian Supreme Court, the Jewish women found in these pages have accomplished remarkable feats. Some survived the horrors of the Holocaust while others had more peaceful childhoods, but all of them saw unfairness in their world and decided to do something about it.

Open Science

Illustrated By: Catherine Chan

Part of the nonfiction Orca Think series for middle-grade readers, this illustrated book explores the concept of open science and how scientists around the world are working together to make research available to everyone.

Giaci and Me

A mother’s story from the early days of her son’s Autism diagnosis through to the unusual, the exciting and the uplifting. A narrative of her most innermost thoughts, realizations and fears, this memoir serves as a much-needed resource to support parents of autistic children to be inspired, feel better and know they are not alone.