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The Blue Vase
This entertaining and beautifully illustrated chapter book by BC Book Prize-winning author Katarina Jovanovic conveys some important messages about bullying and believing in yourself.
A Grain of Rice
A story about a young refugee's courage and inner strength as she escapes from Vietnam during the war.
With purple hair and '90s retro clothes, Ash Perrault is a modern-day Cinderella, but she has a problem Cinderella didn't have—a dangerous problem that keeps getting worse.
The Bone Collector's Son
Bing's father is haunted by a ghost, and Bing must find out why or his father will die.
A young girl runs away from home and learns to live on the dangerous streets of a provincial city in Argentina.
The Runaway
This funny and endearing novel by award-winning novelist Glen Huser will make an absorbing read for fourteen- and fifteen-year-olds, boys and girls alike.
Where I Belong
An adopted Native Canadian girl finds her birth father and the twin sister she never knew existed.
Zia’s Story
Zia’s Story is based on the author’s own experiences as a young mother with a young son having to flee an Afghanistan torn apart by war.