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Rebel Glory
A string of accidents threatens to knock the team out of the playoffs.
All-Star Pride
There's plenty of money to be made...if he's willing to pay the price for it.
Blazer Drive
When Josh, left-winger for the Kamloops Blazers, finds dead cattle on the family ranch, he might have more than a promising hockey career on the line.
Hurricane Power
When David is confronted by angry gang members and malicious teammates, he finds out what it really means to run for your life.
Hitmen Triumph
Left-winger Nolan Andrews has to make some difficult choices that will affect him and his brother for the rest of their lives.
Boarder Patrol
Ryan wants to be a professional snowboarder, but when he has to choose between promoting his own career and saving his cousin's life, he does the right thing, despite the loss of a great opportunity.
Complications arise when Casey gets hired as a skateboarding double and a competitor challenges him to a series of dangerous tricks.
Razor's Edge
Travis and his friends train and race horses at a harness-racing track. When someone starts hacking off the horses' tails, Travis must solve the mystery before he loses everything he has worked for.
Oil King Courage
When a pond-hockey tournament takes Gear and his best friend Reuben to communities across the Arctic, Gear helps his friend solve a family mystery and connect to his Inuit heritage.