Lawrence Schimel, qui écrit en espagnol et en anglais, a publié plus de 120 ouvrages à titre d’auteur ou de directeur de publication dans une variété de genres différents, notamment la fiction, la poésie, les romans graphiques et la littérature jeunesse. Il a remporté de nombreux prix : le Lambda (à deux reprises), le prix Crystal Kite de la Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators et le White Raven de la Bibliothèque internationale de la jeunesse à Munich, en plus d’être sélectionné trois fois pour la liste du Centre de documentation d’IBBY sur les livres pour enfants handicapés. Lawrence Schimel est aussi un traducteur littéraire prolifique. Il vit à Madrid où il a fondé la section espagnole de la Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators et en a été le conseiller régional pendant cinq ans.
In this colorful picture book about imagination and play, little Cristina plays with her dollhouse and toy rabbit in a day that involves chores, meals and dreams.
Bruno's friend Sanjay has his own room and a pet iguana. Bruno's brother, Mateo, who is visually impaired, has a dog named Rocco who helps him get around, and Mateo is a fantastic storyteller. Bruno doesn't have a pet, and he has to share his room, but he still feels like the luckiest of all to have such a great brother and amazing friend.
En este álbum ilustrado, Lucy y sus amigos aprenden los conceptos básicos del béisbol como fildear, batear y atrapar la pelota, y luego las ponen a prueban en un partido."
En este álbum ilustrado que forma parte de la serie Lucy hace deporte, Lucy y sus amigos aprenden habilidades básicas de fútbol mientras se preparan para competir contra el Equipo Rojo.
A dual-language book that celebrates happiness and invites children to reflect on the little things in life that bring them joy. In English and Spanish.
In this nonfiction picture book, learn about a diverse group of animal parents and babies, from alpine salamanders to polar bears, scorpions to walruses, in simple, kid-friendly language paired with vibrant illustrations.
In this vibrant picture book, Milo only wants to play with his toy robot, RO-BO, until his mother makes him go out and play with other kids. Together the new friends go on a grand adventure thanks to RO-BO, but it is the power of their energetic play that ensures they get home safely.
This illustrated nonfiction book for middle-grade readers is a comprehensive overview of the brain. It looks at the science behind how it works, how it directs our day-to-day lives and how much we don't know about this key organ in our bodies.