Jake consiguió por fin su licencia de manejo y esta noche además puede usar el auto de su hermano. Junto con su amigo Mickey, Jake sale a pasear en el auto. Cuando desafían a otro conductor a una carrera callejera, una desastrosa reacción en cadena provoca un accidente. Jake y Mickey abandonan el lugar y tratan de convencerse de que son inocentes. Pero Jake no puede simplemente hacer como si nada hubiera pasado y se siente muy confundido. ¿Debería fingir que no estuvo involucrado o ir a la policía?
Disponible en inglés Overdrive.
Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Quick Picks | 2005 | Commended
Canadian Children's Book Centre (CCBC) Our Choice, starred selection | 2005 | Commended
“This story illustrates the power of peer pressure and how easy it is for good people to make bad decisions. No doubt teens, especially boys, will be able to relate to the events in this story. Recommended.”
"The plot moves quickly...this high interest, low reading level novel is simple, engaging, and well written...A satisfying read."
"Walters captures the heart and spirit of the 16-year-old first time driver through Jake, the stereotypical teenage boy, who wants to be cool and drive a cool car...This is more than a story about street racing; it is about responsibility and accepting the consequences of one's actions. It is a story about growing up. Highly recommended."
"This book is slim, though it manages to look quite grown-up in its appearance. And the ending certainly opens the way to further thought and/or discussion."