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Hiding Edith

Intensively researched and sensitively written, this book, illustrated with photographs and maps, both comforts and challenges a young reader's spirit, skillfully addressing both the horrors and hope that children experienced during the Holocaust.

The Underground Reporters

In a quiet village in Czechoslovakia, laws restricted the freedom of Jewish people during WWII. A small plot of land by the river was allocated to the village’s Jewish youth, and it was here that some brave young people decided to create a newspaper.

Guardian Angel House

Guardian Angel House was a convent operated by the Sisters of Charity in Budapest that sheltered Jewish children during WWII; among them were author Kathy Clark’s mother and aunt.

The Choice

Jakob and his family hide their Jewish identity in Nazi-occupied Hungary. Discovered, he is sent as a prisoner to Auschwitz where he keeps himself alive out of a desire for revenge on the friend he believes turned on him, only to discover when he is free that things are not as he thought.

We Are Their Voice

A collection of writing and art from young people who were invited to share what the Holocaust means to them. Their contributions reveal that they find meaningful lessons in the past, and give us hope for a more peaceful and tolerant future.

Under the Iron Bridge

Desperate to escape joining the Hitler Youth, Paul stumbles across the Edelweiss Pirates, a secret German organization of teenage rebels leading a dangerous campaign of sabotage against the Nazis.

Hidden on the High Wire

From celebrated author Kathy Kacer comes the story of Irene, a young Jewish girl raised at the circus in Nazi Germany, who must perform the balancing act of her life to keep herself and her mother alive.