On the Playground

  • Illustrated By: Jane Heinrichs
  • Pages:32
  • Publisher:Orca Book Publishers
  • Series: The World Around Us
  • Themes:bullying, inclusion, racism, prejudice, tough topics
  • Available:09/14/2021
  • Age Groups:Nonfiction Ages 6-8
  • Lexile:NC980L
  • Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient:P
9781459822993 LICENSE OPTIONS
9781459820937 LICENSE OPTIONS
9781459823075 LICENSE OPTIONS

On the Playground: Our First Talk About Prejudice focuses on introducing children to the complex topic of prejudice.

Crafted around a narrative between a grade-school-aged child and an adult, this inquiry-focused book will help children shape their understanding of diversity so they are better prepared to understand, and question, prejudice witnessed around them in their day-to-day lives and in the media. Dr. Jillian Roberts discusses types of discrimination children notice, what prejudice means, why it's not okay, how to stand up against it and how kids can spread a message of inclusion and acceptance in the world around them.

"A heartfelt…tool to provoke conversations about prejudice and bullying."
– Kirkus Review
"Parents, teachers, and counselors will find this book to be a handy resource for discussing bullying, as it provides credible ways for children (and adults) to view themselves as active upstanders for others."
– Booklist
"A useful discussion starter about combating intolerance."
– CM: Canadian Review of Materials
“Perfectly appropriate for upper elementary, and even middle school if needed.”
– Kiss the Book blog
“Confidently and skilfully tackles the issue of prejudice for our youngest readers…This would be an excellent title for classroom, personal, school and public libraries.”
– Resource Links
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