The night fourteen-year-old Chanie Nyrider ran away from her abusive parents, she is offered a new life working as a prostitute. With nowhere to turn, Chanie was drawn into a dark world where she survived until arrested four years later. She was given two options: jail or a high school program for troubled youth.
Chanie reluctantly agrees to attend the program so that she can maintain her freedom and get to know her new love interest, Blue. As she begins to make strides in the program, Blue becomes unstable and violent. Chanie must choose between him and a better life.
“Harrowing, hopeful, and informed by Ramayan's own experiences as a runaway to Edmonton, Mud Lilies is a hymn to the power of one young woman's defiant spark of life, a story of grit and wisdom set against a backdrop of cruelty and indifference.”
– Open Book
“From the very beginning, Mud Lilies packs a powerful punch in both the way it depicts Chanie’s life and the topics it covers. … The way this book is written is dreamlike and absorbing and I enjoyed delving into Chanie’s world because of this. It held my interest and I thought about it long after I finished it. Mud Lilies is a book with real depth and hope.”
– Jera's Jamboree
“The book told Chanie’s story so powerfully, and probably the story of other women existing on the streets of Edmonton or any other major city. I gave it 5 out of 5 stars. I cried along with Chanie and her friends and wanted to reach out and make it all better. The characters were so touching and felt so real. I’d recommend this book for readers who enjoy true struggles for their beloved characters.”
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