While struggling with the death of her beloved adoptive mother, sixteen-year-old Brenna reconnects with members of her biological family, hoping to discover why her biological mother broke off contact many years earlier.
At the same time, she is falling in love with Ryan, who provides support while she grieves but has to leave her when she needs him most. Despite powerful feelings of abandonment, Brenna realizes that getting strong physically and focusing on the needs of others might just help her move beyond her crippling grief, find peace and plan a future for herself.
Dancing in the Rain continues the story that began in Shelley Hrdlitschka’s bestselling Dancing Naked.
"Explores realistic truth that not all relationships can be mended while also offering healing and hope."
– Kirkus Reviews
"The present tense narration is refreshing and lends a sense of urgency to the plot...The characters including Naysa, Brenna and their father, Brett, are well conceived. A reader could easily see these characters as real people going through real events...Highly recommended."
– CM Magazine
CCBC Best Books for Kids & Teens, starred selection | 2017 | Commended