Kathy Clark

Kathy Clark has written two books for the Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers. Guardian Angel House is based on her mother and aunt’s lives as Jewish children hidden from the Nazis. The Choice is also inspired by her father’s experiences during the Holocaust. Kathy lives in Kanata Ontario and was raised by her mother and a loving stepfather. She learned of events described in The Choice as a grown-up when she became reacquainted with her dad.

Books by Kathy Clark

Guardian Angel House was a convent operated by the Sisters of Charity in Budapest that sheltered Jewish children during WWII; among them were author Kathy Clark’s mother and aunt.

Jakob and his family hide their Jewish identity in Nazi-occupied Hungary. Discovered, he is sent as a prisoner to Auschwitz where he keeps himself alive out of a desire for revenge on the friend he believes turned on him, only to discover when he is free that things are not as he thought.