Sophie Casson
Sophie Casson has illustrated more than twenty-five books, including The Artist and Me by Shane Peacock, a finalist for the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award, and Helen’s Birds by Sara Cassidy, selected as part of IBBY Canada’s Silent Book collection. Her highly acclaimed illustrations are inspired by etchings, silkscreen works and Japanese woodblock prints. Sophie’s award-winning work has also appeared in the Globe and Mail, the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Los Angeles Times and Nature, as well as in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Sophie lives in Montreal, Quebec.
Books by Sophie Casson
In this nonfiction picture book, the tiny village of Janwaar in Madhya Pradesh, India, gets a new skatepark, which inspires Ramkesh and all the local kids to learn how to skateboard, putting them on the map and uniting their community.
Cet album est inspiré d’une histoire vraie survenue à Janwaar dans le Madhya Pradesh, l’un des États les plus pauvres et les plus vastes de l’Inde, où la construction d’un planchodrome a rassemblé toute la communauté et fait la renommée du petit village lorsque les enfants se sont passionnés pour la planche à roulettes.