Lucy Tries Hockey
In this picture book, Lucy and her friends learn introductory hockey skills as they try out a new sport.
In this picture book, Lucy and her friends learn introductory hockey skills as they try out a new sport.
A four-book picture-book series that introduces children to different team sports and encourages active and engaged lifestyles. Featuring soccer, hockey, basketball and baseball.
Dans cet album, Lucy et ses amis apprennent quelques techniques pour s'initier au hockey.
Dans ce livre illustré, Lucy et ses amis se familiarisent avec le basketball, jouent à trois contre trois et regardent un match professionnel.
In this picture book, Lucy and her friends learn about basketball, play 3-on-3 and watch a professional game.
In this picture book Lucy and her friends learn the basics of baseball, including catching, hitting and fielding, then try their new skills in a real game.
En este álbum ilustrado, Lucy y sus amigos aprenden los conceptos básicos del béisbol como fildear, batear y atrapar la pelota, y luego las ponen a prueban en un partido."