Anne Dublin
Anne Dublin is a former teacher-librarian and award-winning author living in Toronto. She is the author of several books for young people, including June Callwood: A Life of Action, Bobbie Rosenfeld: The Olympian Who Could Do Everything, Dynamic Women Dancers, The Orphan Rescue and 44 Hours or Strike!.
Books by Anne Dublin
A star before she even went on to be one of the first women to compete in the 1928 Olympics, Bobbie Rosenfeld may be Canada’s greatest female athlete of the twentieth century. But her popularity was due to more than athletic brilliance; she was admired for her honesty and sense of fair play.
From the poorest neighborhoods in Kenya to the halls of the Canadian Supreme Court, the Jewish women found in these pages have accomplished remarkable feats. Some survived the horrors of the Holocaust while others had more peaceful childhoods, but all of them saw unfairness in their world and decided to do something about it.